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Each month we have a Parent Teacher Administration meeting that involves what is going on during the month, what field trips we are having, as well as any other events. It also involves discussion over fundraisers and any needs of the school. 

Supply Lists by Grade

School Kids


If you are interested in donating towards our student scholarships, you can donate in the office or use the Venmo link below. This Venmo goes to our PTO President. Please label this as "Donation".



Thank you in advance!

All School Supply List

Each teacher and grade has different needs for materials, and supplies. Below is an updated list of what is needed among the grades, as of now. This list will change periodically. 



33 Gallon Trash bags


NIV or NKJV Bible 


Tissue Boxes-

Paper towels, toilet paper, hand soap refills, Ziploc Bags (All Sizes), Bleach, Clorox

Big box of fruit snacks, granola bars, goldfish, cookies (individually wrapped), and other snacks


Sharpie multipack, dry erase markers, dry erase erasers, washable marker packs, and colored pencils


Please call our office for a more in-depth list and current information!

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